Maximilien Danisch Mars 2014 type make to compile the C codes. First use to convert your (unweighted undirected) graph into binary. Then use to compute the carryover opinion. You can then use (resp. ) to compute minimums (resp.products) of scores; to plot the scores in decreasing order using logscales; to find the maximum slope of the loglog curve. WARNING: This program is meant to manipulate large graphs and will not work with graphs with less than 10000 vertices. ======================================= ./convert graph.txt graph.bin graph.txt is the edge list with one edge on each line. Example for a triangle graph: 0 1 1 2 2 3 Example for a weighted triangle graph: 0 1 0.1 1 2 234.567 2 3 8e-9 ======================================= ./carop graph.bin n1 n2 n3 n4... Computes carryover opinion and writes the outpout in a file named n1. Do the same for n2, n3 and n4... ======================================= python n1 n2 n3... > min.txt For each node computes the minimum of the scores written in files n1, n2, n3... and writes the output in the file min.txt ======================================= python n1 n2 n3... > prod.txt For each node computes the product of the scores written in files n1, n2, n3... and writes the output in the file prod.txt ======================================= python n1 n2 n3 min.txt prod.txt Plots the scores in decreasing order and logscalse for each file n1, n2... ======================================= python n1 n2 n3 min.txt prod.txt Finds the maxslope of the loglog curve and plots the scores in decreasing order and logscalse for each file n1, n2... ======================================= REFERENCES: @article{danisch2013towards, title={Towards multi--ego--centred communities: a node similarity approach}, author={Danisch, Maximilien and Guillaume, Jean--Loup and Grand, B{\'e}n{\'e}dicte Le}, journal={International Journal of Web Based Communities}, volume={9}, number={3}, pages={299--322}, year={2013}, publisher={Inderscience} } @article{danisch2014multi, title={Multi-ego-centered communities in practice}, author={Danisch, Maximilien and Guillaume, Jean-Loup and Le Grand, B{\'e}n{\'e}dicte}, journal={Social Network Analysis and Mining}, volume={4}, number={1}, pages={1--10}, year={2014}, publisher={Springer} }